Survey : How Happy are You?

Survey : How Happy are You?

Survey: How Happy are You ? Apakah Anda bahagia dan memulai hari dengan senyuman di wajah Anda dan siap menghadapi pekerjaan yang menantang yang membuat Anda menjadi lebih hidup? Ataukah sesekali dua Anda bangun pagi dan berharap semoga hari itu tidak pernah ada dan langsung melompat ke hari berikutnya? Apakah Anda bahagia dalam hidup Anda?

Bahagia, adalah kata kunci yang dicari oleh hampir semua orang di dalam hidup ini. Bahkan untuk hal-hal yang melanggar hukum pun dilakukan atas nama mencari makhluk yang bernama bahagia. Rasa bahagia adalah salah satu faktor yang paling penting dalam kesehatan mental, namun agak sulit untuk menentukan hal-hal apa saja yang bisa meningkatkan skornya dari hari ke hari.

Ada beberapa hal yang mempengaruhi antara lain: pendapatan, keluarga harmonis, pekerjaan, dan lain-lain. Berikut adalah survey dari Mensa (Komunitas IQ tinggi Internasional) untuk menemukan skor kebahagiaan Anda. Apakah bahagia, cukup bahagia, tidak bahagia atau sangat bahagia? Supaya tidak terjadi mispersepsi, kami tuliskan aslinya. Cekidot

1. Do you wake up looking forward to a new day?
a. Always
b. Sometimes
c. Rarely

2. Do you enjoy your work?
a. Not much
b. A bit
c. Very much

3. Do you have many friends?
a. Lots
b. Quite a few
c. Not many

4. Are you in a stable relationship?
a. No
b. Yes
c. Not at the moment

5. Does the state of the world concern you?
a. Sometimes
b. Yes
c. No

6. Do you feel confident about your future?
a. No
b. Yes
c. Fairly

7. Do you worry about political issues?
a. Never
b. Sometimes
c. Frequently

8. Are you financialy secure?
a. Fairly
b. Yes
c. No

9. Do you have interest apart from your work?
a. Many
b. Some
c. Few

10. Do you bear your trouble cheerfully?
a. No
b. Unsure
c. Yes

11. Do you suffer from fits of anxiety?
a. Sometimes
b. Often
c. Rarely

12. Do you have a religiuos faith of any sort?
a. Yes
b. Unsure
c. No

13. Do you feel that the world is a safe place to bring children into?
a. No
b. Yes
c. Unsure

14. Do you feel lonely?
a. Often
b. Sometimes
c. Seldom

15. Would you like to change lives with someone else?
a. Certanly
b. Perhaps
c. No

16. Is you family life happy?
a. Usually
b. Seldom
c. Sometimes

17. Do you worry about old age?
a. Often
b. Sometimes
c. Seldom

18. Could you be poor but happy?
a. Unsure
b. No
c. Yes

19. Do you enjoy making plans for the future?
a. Often
b. Seldom
c. Sometimes

20. Do you bounceback from misfortune?
a. Easily
b. Reasonably well
c. With Difficulty

21. Do you regard yourself as a happy person?
a. Usually
b. Seldom
c. Sometimes

22. Would you like to change your job?
a. Yes
b. Perhaps
c. No

23. Do you have many regrets about the way your life has gone?
a. Some
b. Few
c. Many

24. Do you sleep well?
a. Usually
b. Sometimes
c. Seldom

25. Do you generally enjoy good health?
a. No
b. In beetwen
c. Yes

Scoring: Kuncinya ada dibawah ini. Contoh: Nomor 1. Jawabannya 321. Itu artinya, jika Anda menjawab  a anda mendapat nilai 3, jawaban b bernilai 2 dan jawaban c bernilai 1.  Demikian pula jika Anda memilih b untuk nomor 2, maka skor bahagia Anda 2.
1. 321
2. 123
3. 321
4. 132
5. 213

6. 132
7. 321
8. 231
9. 321
10. 123

11. 213
12. 321
13. 132
14. 123
15. 123

16. 312
17. 123
18. 213
19. 312
20. 321

21. 312
22. 123
23. 231
24. 321
25. 123

Rentang Skor:
Over 65: Maksimum score is 75. If you scored over 65, you really seem to have little to worry about. You are the one of those people for whom life is just a sunny day, and the rest of us can but envy you.

55-64: You are still pretty satisfied with life and there are very few clouds in your sky. You have occasional worries but by and large you know how to deal with them.

45-54: You are capable of enjoying happiness but your life has a few rocky patches that make it hard for you to be as happy as you would like.

35-44: You are really quite beset by troubles and seem to have difficulty in finding real happiness

Below 30: If you scored below 30, then you really are suffering. Your life seems bleak and joyless in the extreme, this could be due to a medically treatable condition. Consider seeing your doctor.

sumber artikel Survey: How Happy are You ?  Robert Allen, The Complete Book of Personality Tests, Carlton Book, 2010
Survey: How happy are you?

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